
Building a Sustainable School



Students will have to discuss in groups the answers to the different questions . Each group should designate:

 - a secretary: who writes down the answers to the questions
 - a searcher: who looks on the net for information regarding the questions posed
 - a drawer: who makes drawings of the school, devices they will use, etc
 - a speaker: who presents the group project and answers to the class
 - a coordinator: who is responsible to coordinate the group work and make sure everybody is doing his job.

Useful expressions to use:
- What do you think that......?
- Do you believe that.....?
- Are you for and against?

- I think that......
- I believe it is better if........
- I am sure that.......
- There is no doubt that.......
- I agree/ disagree with.......
- Perhaps it is.......
- I don�t think so
- The reason why........


# Beginning Developing Very Good Exemplary Score
Group/partner teamwork They make fun with others and show no interest in their tasks. They do not work as a group. Did not perform duties of assigned team Sometimes make fun of the group task. Some members did not contribute to the group work. Performed some duties of assigned team role Usually positive actitute towards the task. Most team members contributed to group work. Performed nearly all duties of assigned team role Positive actitute towards the task. All the team members contributed equally. Performed all duties of assigned team role
Student�s role and individual assessment The student never contributes to group work, does not carry out his/her specific role and does not collaborate with the rest of the group at all The student rarely contributes to group work, carries out regularly his/her specific role and hardly collaborates with the rest of the group The student mostly contributes to group work, usually carries out his/her specific role and most of the time collaborates with the rest of the group The student contributes to group work, carries out his/her specific role and collaborates with the rest of the group
Problem solving The group never seeks for information and proposes no right solutions and answers to the questions included in their task The group rarely seeks for information and proposes few right solutions and answers to the questions included in their task The group seeks for information and proposes right solutions and answers to most of The group actively seeks for information and proposes right solutions and answers to all questions included in their task
Listening, questioning and discussing Students do notlisten to others, do not ask questions and can not discuss their answers, they do not give any arguments in favour arguments. Students rarely listen to others, ask few questions and hardly discuss their answers, using poor arguments. Students mostly listen to others, ask some questions and discuss most of their answers with good arguments. Students listen to others, ask questions and discuss their answers with good and strong arguments.

Total Score:

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