
The Nutrition Mission



Before starting your exploration of the food guide pyramid we must follow these directions:

1. The teacher will divide the class in half randomly.

2.The teacher will have a hat with the six food groups:

1. Fats/Oils/Sweets Group
2. Milk/Yogurt/Cheese Group
3. Meat Group
4. Vegetable Group
5. Fruit Group
6. Bread Group

3. The teacher will allow one student to choose the three food groups.

4. Once each group has their choosen food group, students will work together
to learn about the groups  and why it is so important. 

5. The teacher will post the food guide pyramid on the smart board, and give a hand out to each student. 

6. The teache will pass out a handout of the information for the food groups.

7. The teacher will pass out markers, posters, construction paaper, pencils, and a food magazine for each group.

8. At the end of the unit, every group should have come up with a  way
to teach what they learned about their food group to the rest of the class. 
Be as creative as you want. For example, students can come
up with skits, songs, plays, posters.

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