
Math All Around Us



Welcome to Math Around Us!  Have you ever wondered why you learn how to multiply or divide in school?  How about finding the rules to patterns or the perimeter and area of a space? Do you feel like you are never going to use these skills outside of school? Well, now is the time for you to explore the web and see all of the different times you will use the Math you learned in school outside of the classroom and in your real life!  After you research ways that math is used in the real world you will create a digital book about how we use Math everyday. 

There is also a rumor that math is going to be taken out of the elementary curriculum.  Students are shocked!  Parents are outraged!  Teachers are worried!  After creating your digital books we will send them to the Superintendent.  Our goal is to convince him that math is important.  To do this, at the end of every digital book should be a page dedicated to explaining why it is important to learn math.

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