
Math All Around Us



Congratulations you have learned about how math is important to your life!  Don't let this lesson be over.  Take the time to look for math in your everyday activities, ask the adults around you how and why math is used in their jobs, think about how math might be a part of the job you want when you are grown.

Continue to learn about how math is in the world around you:

* Go to the library and check out books about jobs and look for ways math is a part of these careers.

* Check out books about math topics and think about ways you could use these types in math in your daily life.

* Research careers on the Internet and search for ways math is used in the real world.  If you find a great site share it with the class!

* When you do everyday activities like playing a sport or going to the grocery store think about ways that math is part of these activities.

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