
Plant and Animal Cells



Recently, the largest volcanic eruption in human history has created volcanic winter. The ash cloud is so massive and thick that sunlight cannot break through. Animals and Plants are both suffering due to the lack of sunlight. The NWG (New World Government) has to decide on the most important tasks to be accomplished to maintain life. Some think that to revitalize animal life is the most important task while others argue that plant life revitalization is more important. The world's foremost biologist, Mr. Singleton, has argued that all animal life is dependent on plants for survival and that not concentrating on sustaining plant life first, could mean death to all. You have been appointed to lead an ecological committee and decide if Mr. Singleton's suggestion to the NWG should be upheld or if a new direction is needed. Use this webquest to educate yourself on plant and animal cells so that you may advise the Government of its best option for the future.

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