
Why Would Susan B. Anthony be Arrested?



You be the Judge.  "Why was Susan B. Anthony arrested?"  You will be the Judge and evidence gatherer!  As you look through the websites, documents, and other information that is included in this WebQuest, you will gather evidence, and explain and defend your position.  Along the way, you will be in charge of learning about Susan B. Anthony's life:  as a child, as a student, as a teacher, as a woman, and as an activist.    You MUST know her life's passion, in order to know her life's work.  You will use your evidence to better understand why Susan B. Anthony believed that ALL people are created equal, and that all people deserve have the right to vote.  What did Susan B. Anthony  do that was so wrong, in order to get herself into so much trouble?  The assignment is yours, follow the WebQuest to learn more about Susan B. Anthony!

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