
Critical Literacy and the Media



You will be graded on all three parts of the WebQuest. In order to get high marks, you must thoughtfully complete all tasks to a high level. Be sure to talk with your instructor about how to achieve a high score on each assignment.

Good luck!


# Poor (1.0 or D) Satisfactory (2.0 or C) Good (3.0 or B) Excellent (4.0 or A) Score
PART I: Define "Critical Literacy" and understand how to be critically literate. Student completed the tasks, but did not participate in class discussions (or vice-versa). Student completed the tasks and participated in class discussions to a satisfactory degree.(Meaning the student added 1-2 comments to the discussion). Student completed the tasks and participated in class discussions to a good degree.(Meaning the student added 3-4 comments to the discussion in response to his/her classmates). Student completed the tasks and participated in class discussions to an excellent degree. (Meaning the student's comments helped to further and enrich the class discussion). 15
Part II: Learn to corroborate information on the web. Student partially completed the task, as evidenced by partial completion of the "Corroboration and the Internet" worksheet. Student fully completed the task by fully completing the "Corroboration and the Internet" worksheet. However, the answers were short and lacked substance. There is little evidence of critical literacy skills. Student fully completed the task by fully completing the "Corroboration and the Internet" worksheet. The answers contained a good amount of substance. There is some evidence of critical literacy skills. Student fully completed the task by fully completing the "Corroboration and the Internet" worksheet. The answers contained an excellent amount of substance. There is excellent evidence of critical literacy skills. 25
Part III. Explore a controversy about a celebrity. (This focuses on the web evaluation forms only). Student completed only part of the Web Evaluation Form requirements. Student completed four Web Evaluation Forms. The responses show surface level answers and little evidence of critical literacy skills. Student completed four Web Evaluation Forms. The responses are thoughtful and show some evidence of critical literacy skills. Student completed four Web Evaluation Forms. The responses are thoughtful and show excellent evidence of critical literacy skills. 20
Part III. Write an opinion essay. Essay does not follow directions. Grammar and mechanics are extremely poor. (If grammar and mechanics are very poor, the essay can be graded "Poor" even if it meets the requirements of the assignment). Essay follows the directions outlined on the assignment sheet and shows some evidence of critical thought. Grammar and mechanics are satisfactory. Essay follows the directions outlined on the assignment sheet and shows evidence of critical thought. Grammar and mechanics are good. Essay follows the directions outlined on the assignment sheet and shows excellent evidence of critical thought. There are very few errors with grammar and mechanics. 35

Total Score: 100

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