
Remapping the Tour de France One Stage at a Time




# Beginning 1 Developing 2 Very Good 3 Exemplary 4 Score
Evidence of knowledge of le Tour de France: stages history jerseys towns affected There are a few facts about the Tour de France, but little beyond the homepage of the website. More facts about the stages and the levels of difficulty, but the officials will still have questions about whether you know your stuff. Good job. There is information about the route, the jersey colors and their significance, where it starts and ends, but still missing the finer details. Amazing detail. The stages are outlined. The significant details about the route and some of its quirks. Some history of le Tour. The jerseys. Nothing is missing %25
Evidence of knowledge of the culture of France and the French towns affected - current and proposed new route. It is difficult to tell if you explored the websites or just used previous knowledge or a few culture segments from your text book. A few towns are mentioned, but some are missing. The details are somewhat present, but not sufficient to get a feel of the place. This is more like it. There are some details about most of the proposed stages with descriptions of the towns and some insight into the character of the towns invloved. The viewer can really get a sense of French culture from the presentation: why the tour is important to them and the flavor of each town - formerly on the route and the new proposed route. %25
Persuasiveness of support for new route including insight into: geography Tour knowledge cultural knowledge use of visuals The viewer will find it difficult to understand the purpose of this presentation. It might be confused with a report on the geography of France. Some elements are missing. The elements are present and the intent of the presentation is described. The presentation discusses them in slight detail, but the wording and visuals do not sway the viewer. All the elements and the intent is fully described, but the argument doesn't make the reader want to change the route. Not enough detail or effective use of persuasive writing. All elements of the project (visuals, geographical facts, Tour and cultural knowledge) come together to make a clear and convincing argument for changing the Tour route. %25
Quality of Presentation including Power Point and Final Display Remember: Pictures are worth a thousand words! Effort and creativity well spent are not evident. The graphics are too small and they don't educate the reader. The display is unclear. Elements are missing. Some nice visuals, but some elements are missing. Overall presentation looks rushed. The presentation doesn't stand alone - needs lots of explanation. The group seemed a little unorganized at presentation time. Nice to look at with good use of photos from the Tour and the country. The display is very neat and tells the story. The effort is good. Could be better linked to the argument. It seems that the group thought about the presentation advance. Amazing power point demonstrating advanced abilities in the software. Eye-catching visuals. The presentation stands alone. The display is a keeper! And the presentation went smoothly with all members participating. %25

Total Score: %100

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