



# Beginning 1 Developing 2 Very Good 3 Exemplary 4 Score
Comparison Chart -Group Grade No Chart. Chart is hand drawn. Chart lacks the comparison of the two restaurants. Includes less than 3 nutritional value comparisons. Chart shows an attempt at comparing the two (or more) restaurants. Doesn't include what the meal consists of. Includes 3-5 nutritional value comparisons. Chart shows the comparison between the meal choices and is visually appealing. Gives an in-depth summary of what the meal consisted of. Includes 5-7 nutritional value comparisons. Chart shows distinct comparison between restaurants and the graph is well organized and labeled. The chart has included additional extras, such as 3D or color. Gives an in-depth summary of what the meal consists of. Includes 6-10 nutritional value comparisons. %35
Restaurant Review Article *Introduction; Sentence Branching; Detail; Grammar -Individual Grade Introduction is confusing or missing. Sentences are simple or run-ons that lack detail. Multiple grammatical errors. Introduction is brief and lacks a personal anecdote. Sentences are simple or run-ons with few details. Occasional grammatical errors. Introduction shows personality and reason and uses a powerful anecdote. Sentences have nice detail. There are some sentence structure problems, but nothing severe. Detail throughout review is noticeable. Few grammatical mistakes. Introduction shows personality and reason and uses a personal anecdote. Sentences are full of life, have lots of detail and are branched nicely. Grammar is exceptional. %15
Restaurant Review Article *Description of meal and menu -Individual Grade Doesn't describe a possible meal (the meal from the graphic organizer). Doesn't describe some of the options on the menu. Leaves out analysis. Describes the menu but fails to link the graphic organizer to the review. Leaves out analysis. Links a meal selected in the graphic organizer to the review. Leaves out analysis, more of a summary. Gives opinion and grade of restaurant capabilities to meet health needs. Links a meal selected in the graphic organizer to the review. Analyzes multiple menu choices and gives opinion and grade of restaurant capabilities to meet health needs. %40
Overall Group Magazine Article and Graphic Organizer Presentation. An article is missing or both articles are related. Graphic organizer is missing. The entire package isn't appealing. Articles don't relate to graphic organizer. Visual presentation is mundane. Graphic organizer isn't mentioned in article often, if at all. Graphic organizer correlates nicely with articles. Articles aren't the same; have different theses. Presentation is visually effective. Both articles are written nicely and have different theses. Graphic Organizers include more than two restaurants. Very visually effective. %10

Total Score: %100

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