


By completing this activity successfully, students will be capable of:

-Writing formally including proper use of grammar, punctuation, etc...

-Conducting research to answer questions and evaluate information and ideas outside of the classroom.

-Using technology to represent evaluated and comprehended information.

-Applying acquired information to different contexts.

-Identifying problems, reason inductively from specific facts and apply their evaluative ideas to the problem.

-Evaluating the extent to which a solution solves the problem(s) and assess the costs and benefits of such a solution.

-Identifying tasks to be completed and work in as a team to complete these tasks.

*How will this affect what you eat when you stop at a fast food restaurant from now on? Will you consider going easy on the supersizing, maybe ordering an alternative side that has better nutritional value than french fries?  Will you choose one restaurant over another because of the gained insight from the research formulated in this lesson?  Will you spend the extra 5-10 minutes to prepare something more healthy at home? Remember these questions and your findings when you get to college.  College food, as well as the multiple pizzas you may be ordering, can really take a toll on your health and overall weight.

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