
Swim Smart, Swim Safe!

Teacher Page


Given that drowing is the second leading cause of death among children I think it is critical that safety skills be implemented before the start of summer. Children need to be given the skills to make smart choices when around the water to prevent accidents. Summer breaks do not allow for swimming activities to be done during the year, but since 41% of students will swim at least six times during the year they need a way to get the knowlege before they go swimming.

I retrieved my pictures off of Google Images searches with key words of swim, water,  and swimming safety. I got the videos off of YouTube with key word searches of swim safety for children. I found so much information on Google that could be used to target any age group.From very young to adult, there is safety rules to remember, some that even I forgot. It just goes to show you are never to old to have a safety lesson. I began by going to my pediatricians website and searching swimming, that is the Complete Children's Health link in the introduction. From there I was taken all over, from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention website to the RedCross website. A simple Google search it all it takes to find the information needed to creat a lesson. There are songs, poems, activity sheets, videos, quizes, and swimming instructions just to name a few resources for teaching water safety. Good luck, and remember the skills they develop now can save their or a friends life this summer.

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