
Swim Smart, Swim Safe!



Sudent performance evaluations will be determined on successful completion of each task. Each step gave a description of how to complete them. To receive the full 5 points from each task all steps must be completed by every student in the group. Points will be deducted if only part of the task is completed down to zero points for not completing any of the steps. Each step is worth 25% of the total grade.


# 0 Points 1 Point 2 Points 3 Points Score
Successfully created a Pool Rules poster with 5 rules from the video and artwork Did not complete Identified less than 2 rules work needs to be done to complete the Pool Rules poster Identified 3-4 rules from the video and completed most of the Pool Rules poster with some artwork Identified 5 rules from the video and completed the Pool Rules poster with artwork and list of rules 25%
Successfully completed The Golden Rules quiz after watching the video Did not complete Students watched the video and answered at least 2 questions correctly Students watched the video and answered 3-4 questions correctly Students watched the video and answered all 5 questions correctly 25%
Write a paragraph of a favorite swimming memory after watching the video Did not complete Students watched the video and less than 2 paragraphs were completed Students watched the video and 3-4 paragraphs were completed Students watched the video and all 5 paragraphs were completed 25%
Read the Safety Oath aloud and each student signs the classroom Safety Oath Did not complete Students read the Safety Oath aloud and 2 students signed the Saftey Oath Students read the safety oath aloud and 3-4 students signed the safety Oath Students read the safety oath aloud and all 5 students signed the safety Oath 25%

Total Score: 100%

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