
International Space Station



Your assignment is to explore the work and living experiences of astronauts who live at the International Space Station. When you are finished gathering facts you will write a letter to NASA to explain why you would be the ideal candidate for the "First Student in Space".  You will want to include examples of things you learn about in this webquest to show the employers that you  are prepared to "Blast Off!"

Be careful about copying and pasting information into your letter.  Don't do it!  The NASA guys have read all there is on the internet about space.  Some of them were the ones who wrote and posted  the information!  Be sure to use your own words to explain how knowledgeable you are.  Have fun finding the information.

Specific areas of research:

  •  How the International Space Station was built
  • Who is presently on the Space Station 
  • How you eat and drink
  • What astronauts do to stay healthy and exercise
  • How do astronauts communicate with each other and with Earth
  • Other interesting facts about the ISS

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