
Coaster Crazy--A Roller Coaster Webquest



You have been hired by Slick Flags to create a new roller coaster for their theme park. Your team must create a roller coaster that the owners of Slick Flags would give a thumbs up rating depending upon the thrill and innovation of the roller coaster.


In order to create a good design, you must be able to describe the history of roller coasters, the physics behind your coaster, and how you can prove mathematically that will be a great thrill ride and be safe.


Your team will consist of 3 people; a historian, a physicist, and an engineer. Each role is equally important because of its impact on the final design of your roller coaster. Remember, your coaster will be evaluated on each of the factors and each team members' ability to discuss all three portions as well as the construction of the coaster model.

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