
Coaster Crazy--A Roller Coaster Webquest


Roller Coasters have been a large part of our history in the United States. The development of new roller coasters happens every year with new and greater ideas. Children and adults alike spend time every year getting their thrills from theme parks with the greatest roller coasters!


Understanding the physics behind the roller coasters will help you appreciate the brilliance of the coaster's design engineers. They must consider so many factors to be sure that the ride is fun, not frightening. What a tight rope to walk!


Hopefully this quest has allowed you to answer the questions: Why does my belly turn around in circles on the ride? How does the coaster stay on the track? How is the coaster propelled without any external forces? Are coasters safe, especially those that go upside down? Why do people stand in line for hours to ride one ride?


Please take the time to share with your parents what you have learned, if you did not do so at the Roller Coaster Fair. I am sure they will be impressed with what you know about the physics of a roller coaster!

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