
Identity Theft



In this WebQuest you will assume the role of one of the following investigators.  As this investigator, your responsibility will be to find the answers to the question/questions below your title.  Other information that will be helpful to your group may also be included. 


     *  Protection Investigator

              *  What can you do to protect yourself against identity theft?

              *  What prevention measures work better than others?

     *  Repair Investigator

              *  What can you do when your identity is stolen?

              *  What steps or legal actions can you take if your identity is stolen?

     *  Financial Investigator

               *  What affect does a stolen identity have on your future financial status?

     *  Economic Investigator 

                *  What affect is identity theft having on the economy? 


You will be working with the local police department to investigate the sudden rise of identity theft in your community.  The police department wants you to produce a brochure that can be given to your community to help them understand identity theft.  You will also be asked to make a Power Point presentation on identity theft that will be presented at the next PTSA meeting.  In order to make your community aware of your efforts, you will prepare an article for the school newspaper and a flyer to be displayed in your community.  

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