
Making a map of your school



In order to make a map to present to our visitors we will need to do some research.  What is a map for?  What makes a good map?  These are two questions you should ask as you follow the steps below:

Step 1: What is a map?
Click on the article below in the resource section.  Your teacher will help you read the article and learn information about maps.  When you finish the article you will be using a New Word Wheel (download from resources below) to tell what you know about the words symbol and map.

Step 2:  How does a map organize information?
Take a look at the different maps below.  Use the I-Chart (download from resources below) to organize the information you get from looking at the maps.

School Map

Classroom Map

School Building Map

Step 3: What is a compass rose? 
It tells you what direction you are moving: north, south, east, west.  Go to the following website and use the compass rose to help the car get to the park!
Compass Rose Game

Step 4: How do you make your own map?
Use this video link to see how a group of students made their own map of a museum.  Notice how they use symbols to show where things in the museum are located.

Step 5: Now it's time to make your map! 
Think about what you learned about maps from each of the steps.  As your class makes a map be sure to include symbols for the following places:
the front office
the gym
parking lot
And of course add your own favorite places to the map as well!

Step 6: Getting ready to present!
Before the visitors come to school, practice presenting your map to your classmates.  Choose a place around the school and describe what it is and where it is using the map.  Remember to use your presentation voice!  Information about your presentation is found on the evaluation page... good luck!


  • File
    Description: I-chart to be used to organize information about the 3 maps

  • File
    Description: Article on Maps

Description: Areal perspective- flying over a neighborhood.

  • File
    Description: Concept Wheel (New Word Wheel) for use with the article on maps

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