
U.S. Imperialism



Note: Before explaining what you need to do to complete this WebQuest I need to make some important suggestions.  First, you will need to create a folder on your computer named "Imperialism WebQuest".  Second, save your work to that folder often.  Third, read all parts of the WebQuest carefully before beginning, this will give you a complete understanding of the expectations of this project.

Step One: Research

A. You have been placed into a four, or five, member team for this project.  Each member of the team will need to choose one of the five research areas listed here to focus their research upon.

            1- Latin America

            2- Cuba

            3- The Philippines

            4- Asia: Japan & China

            5- Hawaii

(Note: If you are on a four member team, you will need to decide how to share the responsibilities of the fifth research area.

B. Download the "Research Link Document" and the "Note Taking Guide Document" available at the bottom of this page.  Use the link document which contains the same links as below, and your own sources, to research your designated area.  By having the link document downloaded, you will avoid any problems that may occur if the WebQuest should become unavailable due to technical problems, you know how computers can be sometimes.  Use the note taking guide to organize your research. (These will be collected, see the Evaluation page)

Links by Research Area:

           General Information:


U.S. Overseas Expansion

An American Empire

History of the U.S. 1865-1900

Spanish-American War #1

Spanish-American War #2

The Age of Imperialism

 Latin America: Central & South America, The Caribbean

Central America: Nicaragua

Panama Canal #1

Panama Canal #2

Pueto Rico #1

Puerto Rico #2


The Sinking of the Maine

"That Splendid Little War"

The War in Cuba #1

The War in Cuba #2

 Asia: Japan & China

Japan #1

Japan #2

Commodore Perry & Japan

Boxer Rebellion #1

Boxer Rebellion #2

Boxer Rebellion #3

 The Philippines:

The Philippines as a "Gift"

The Philippine-American War #1

The Philippine-American War #2

U.S. State Department - Philippine War

American Experience - Philippine War

The Philippine-American War #3

The Philippine-American War #4


History of Hawaii - Imperialism

U.S. State Department - Hawaii Annexation


Hawaii Annexation

Hawaii Annexation Rally

How To Steal A Country

U.S. Public Law

Betrayal of the Hawaiian People

C. View the video links below, as well as others you locate on your own.  This will give you some insights and ideas.

Video Links:

The Philippine-American War - Video

Building of the Panama Canal - Video

Annexation of Hawaii - Video

D. You will need to incorporate a substantial number of visuals in your project, so you should begin locating them ASAP.  You will find numerous relevant visuals by using the provided links, but you will be able to find much more by doing further research.

 E. Remember that you're "Note Taking Guides" will be collected as part of your final project.  Make sure you do a detailed job.

 F. Save your work often!!

Step 2: PowerPoint Presentation Development

A. After all members have completed their background research, the team will need to come together to determine what to include in the PowerPoint presentation. (Remember, you will be provided three days of classroom time for collaboration, use these days wisely.)  In making these decisions, you will need to consider the following:

1- Cause and Effect of the events

2- Most important People, Events and Places

3- Which Visuals best exemplify each research area

4- Which pieces of information are most important

5- Are you responding to the "Big Question" from the Task section, "Why did the United States become an Imperialist power, and what are the consequences.

 B. Begin Building the PowerPoint

 C. Test all components of the PowerPoint to make sure it functions properly.

 D. Properly site your sources on the final pages of the presentation.

 E. Remember that there is a minimum of Ten (10) slides per research area.

 F. Did you save your work??

Step 3: PowerPoint Jeopardy Review Creation

A. Now that your team has done its research, has a collection of data, and has created an informational PowerPoint presentation, it is time to do something a little more fun.  So, with that in mind, your team will need to come together to create clues and answers for a PowerPoint Jeopardy Review.

B. The difficulty level of the clues and answers must correspond to the point values (Most difficult clues and answers are worth the most points, and the clues and answers become easier as the point values decline, with the easiest clue and answer being worth the least number of points.)

C. You should consider using Visuals, Audio, and even Video in your clues.

D. Your team will need to elect one member to become responsible for completing the Jeopardy template which must be downloaded from the bottom of this page.

E. When your Jeopardy game is completed, you need to test it to make sure everything works.

F. Did you save your work?

Step 4: Turning in Your Project

Note: You will need to save all items for this project on a CD or DVD.

A. Save your Note Taking Guides as a single document with multiple pages.  An example of how you must name the document is:  Smith-Bob-NTG-Per1  Then collect all team members documents and save them in one folder. Use your Team Name to name the folder, such as: TeamName-Imperialism-Per1

B. Save the group created PowerPoint presentation as TeamName-PPP-Per1 in the Team Folder.

C. Save the group created PowerPoint Jeopardy Review as TeamName-Jeopardy-Per1 in the Team Folder.

D. Burn the Team Folder with all team members Note Taking Guides as individual documents, the Team PowerPoint presentation and the Team PowerPoint Jeopardy to a CD or DVD.  Bring the CD/DVD to class and save your Team folder to the corresponding Period Folder on the Student Use computer in my classroom.  After downloading to the Student Use computer, open each item to make sure it transferred properly.  Finally, write your Team Name and Period Number on the CD/DVD with a Sharpie Marker and give it to me by the due date.

E. Congratulations!!!!


  • File
    Description: Jeopardy Template

  • File
    Description: Double Jeopardy Template

  • File
    Description: Note Taking Guide

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