
U.S. Imperialism



The United States was originally founded upon the enlightened principle that ALL people had three inalienable rights, those being; life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  In the middle of the 1800s, the United States began to drift away from these founding principles when it began to engage in a global competition with European nations for control of locations around the world.  As this competition intensified, the United States turned a corner, and became what we had originally fought against, a subjugating colonial power.  For all intense and purpose, the United States, a country formed by defeating Great Britain in a war for its freedom, became the equivalent to Great Britain in the eyes of millions of people around the world.  This new behavior is known as Imperialism, and the United States forcibly took control of people against their will.

The WebQuest you are about to embark upon will help you understand the events which created this new Imperialist United States.  It will require you to work in collaboration with other students, demonstrate your research skills, use the internet, and be creative.  

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