
EED 465 Charting the Course: Social Studies Webquest (Benchmark Assessment

World History


Native Americans

To introduce the lesson on Native Americans, the teacher will read the book Squanto's Journey. The teacher will introduce the key vocabulary words such as Mayflower, pilgrims, Native Americans, and Squanto.
Next the students will be given magazines to find and collect pictures to use to create a collage. The students will break up into small groups to collect their pictures, once they have found all pictures each student will glue their pictures to a piece of poster board to be hung up in the classroom.
At last the students will be given pre-cut headbands, beads, and feathers to create their own tribal headdress. They will also be given a paper bag to tear out and paint like the buckskin that the Indians used for clothes and tee pees.
To lesson closer will be for the students to draw their favorite character from the book that the teacher read to open the lesson.

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