
Request-Connect With the Community of People With Disabilities



Please complete evaluation to rate your performance, and or write a reflection in your journal on what you've learned, state the skills you have gained.

You might rise to higher levels for another try at possibly requesting others to join you upon your quest the next time. Start an after school club, be sure to share your success stories via journals and or a video camera.



# begining 5 developing 10 very good 20 mastery 25 Score
Watch film clips. Respond by writing my reaction in a journal. I watched some of the film clips. I wrote what I thought. I watched many of the clips. I responded by writing my reaction to them in a journal. I watched all of the films. I recorded notes and reaction. I contacted people in my school and neighborhood to find a partner to work with. After watching, I formed a community awareness group to do the web quest with. We wrote in our journals our brainstorming sessions on how to make connections with those of the same interests via face book and twitter. Category 1 Score
Volunteer and career search. I contacted one of the organizations listed, joined as a volunteer for 7-8 weeks this summer. I contacted all of the organizations, went to tour and ask questions, joined the 2 that were interesting and fit my schedule. After visits to all recommended locations, my friends and I joined different ones. We will meet once a week to go over events, share our experiences and what we wrote in our journals. We formed a community club. We go to all of the places and volunteer. We meet weekly to share the stories in our journals and to have fundraisers and recruit more volunteers. Category 2
After exploration, decide on job, find out requirements, write cover letter, resume, request letters of recommendation. Mail or fax them to jobs. I created a cover letter, resume and letter of recommendation. I mailed it out. After I decided which 2 jobs to inquire about, I sent my cover letter, resume and letters of recommendation to both job locations. I put together a list of potential jobs that I may qualify for. I changed each template for each cover letter's location and information. I have one resume that fits both job descriptions. The letters of recommendation state skills I've gained through each volunteer position. A secretary, met with our group to proof read and help us perfect our cover letters and resumes. Each member mailed out letters to at least two job employers. We created a group Logo and business cards, so that our club could help other people with disabilities find jobs.
The interview I followed up on my letter, I went on a interview. I practiced answering my interview question list with my freind.Then I went on the interview. My group had a meeting where we practiced interviewing with one of our parents who is an employer. She went over all interview criteria, such as how to think about what to say, restate questions and how to dress. We also sent Thank You Notes, after having interviews. Our club met with local members of the Chamber of Commerce. We gave a presentation of our group's volunteer activities of, disability awareness, fundraisers and other achievements. Then they gave us a seminar to conduct practice interviews. We also were given a how to session on: Dress for success, positive attitude awareness, etiquette. We sent Thank You Notes.

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