
Request-Connect With the Community of People With Disabilities



Now that you’ve explored career and volunteer activities and planned for your future you should be ready to go forward with confidence. Making connections through volunteer work, web quests and personal encounters are great catalysts for personal growth and fulfillment.We can't just retreat in our shells and hide. We must get out and experience what life has to offer us. Don't feel sorry for yourself. There is always someone with greater challenges than you.

"Reach out and touch somebody’s hand. Make this world a better place, if you can!"

Be sure to visit this site again and again. Be sure to revisit again one year after graduation to let us know how you are doing and to give us feedback by filling out the survey below. My graduates (shown below) taped these segments. Have fun and create your own success stories. Perhaps you may want to join zunal.com to create web quests of your own. It’s also fun to browse and there are many wonderful sites to see and visit.




conclusion survey

Description: This is a conclusion survey, for students to take one year after graduation. It is to help schools improve, so please give us your feedback.

Description: Daviono wanted to be a drug dealer but now, after doing the webquest, after highschool Daviono is going to go into the Marines.

Description: Lebaron with the dreadlocks looks forward to graduation and a career in the Navy.
Congratulations Janae!

Description: Janae is going to go to college to become a nurse.

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