
The Role of the Media in Polical Revolutions

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During this webquest students may touch upon several or possibly all of the following Georgia Performance Standards and AASL Standards for the 21st Century Learner.

SSWH14 The student will analyze the Age of Revolutions and Rebellions.
b. Identify the causes and results of the revolutions in England (1689), United States (1776), France (1789), Haiti (1791), and Latin America (1808-1825).

SSWH17 The student will be able to identify the major political and economic factors that shaped world societies between World War I and World War II.
b. Determine the causes and results of the Russian Revolution from the rise of the Bolsheviks under Lenin to Stalin’s first Five Year Plan.

SSWH20 The student will examine change and continuity in the world since the 1960s.

SSUSH14 The student will explain America’s evolving relationship with the world at the turn of the twentieth century.
b. Describe the Spanish-American War, the war in the Philippines, and the debate over American expansionism.

SSUSH15 The student will analyze the origins and impact of U.S. involvement in World War I.
a. Describe the movement from U.S. neutrality to engagement in World War I, with reference to unrestricted submarine warfare.

SSUSH19 The student will identify the origins, major developments, and the domestic impact of World War II, especially the growth of the federal government.

ELA11W1: The student produces writing that establishes an appropriate organizational structure, sets a context and engages the reader, maintain a coherent focus throughout, and signals a satisfying closure.

ELA11W2: The student demonstrates competence in a variety of genres.

ELA11W3: The student uses research and technology to support writing.

ELA11LSV1: The student participates in student-to-teacher, student-to-student, and group verbal interactions.

AASL's Standards 1-3.    1. Inquire, think critically, and gain knowledge. 
2. Draw conclusions, make informed decisions, apply knowledge to new situations, and create new knowledge.
3. Share knowledge and participate ethically and productively as members of our democratic society. 



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