
The Role of the Media in Polical Revolutions



"The pen is mightier than the sword" (Edward Bulwer-Lytton).

Do you believe this statement is true?  Why or why not?
Do you know of any political events past or present that have been affected by media?
How can media affect revolution?

During the American Revolution, Thomas Jefferson wrote to Thomas Paine, "Go on then doing with your pen what in other times was done with the sword." 
In Egypt, Mubarak was so threatened by revolutionary communications over the internet that he shut it down. 

Conflict and revolution continue to rise out of Northern Africa.  The US President has some big decisions to make regarding US Policy and involvement in these conflicts, but he is not sure he can trust the media coming out of this conflict. 

Your job as the President's adviser is to give him some background on media's relationship to revolution both historic and modern so he can better understand the revolutionary media of today.

Can you make the difference?

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