
Water In Our World

Teacher Page


Learning Objectives

Students will be able to

  • Understand the different processes within the water cycle
  • Transfer knowledge of water cycle into a creative story and newsletter
  • Use language and grammar skills to successfully create writing assignments
  • Display developing proficiency of computer and technology skills
Curriculum Standards


3.12.1  Recognize daily changes in weather, including clouds, precipitation, and temperature


3.9  Compose narrative texts using an introductory paragraph, specific time frames,         clear sequencing of events and a conclusion.

3.13  Apply mechanics in writing, including capitalization of proper nouns and titles of people and appropriate end marks, abbreviations, and commas with dates.

3.12  Demonstrate retrieval skills needed to research a topic.


3.1  Use input and output devices of technology systems.

3.4  Identify various operating systems of technology devices.

3.10  Use digital environment to collaborate and communicate.

3.12  Create a product using digital tools.


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