
The Solar System

Teacher Page


Illinois Learning Standards:

State Goal 1:  Read with fluency and understanding.

       1.B.2a.  Establish purposes for reading; survey materials; ask questions; make predictions; connect, clarify and extend ideas.

State Goal 12: Understand the fundamental concepts, principles and interconnections of the life, physical and earth/space sciences.

       12F.  Know and apply concepts that explain the composition and structure of the universe and earth's place in it.

       12.F.3b.  Describe the organization and physical characteristics of the solar system (e.g. sun, planets, asteroids, comets)

 National Educational Technology Standards:

Goal 1:   Creativity and Innovation

Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology. Students:

a.  apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes.

b.  create original works as a means of personal or group expression. 

Pictures are compliments of the following websites:

(Title Page)  http://artlibrary.files.wordpress.com/2009/04/solar-system.jpg

(Introduction) http://www.mpsaz.org/rmre/staff/dlszonn/images/shuttle.jpg

(Task)  http://www.gifanimations.com/GA/animation/ViewsPerPage

(Process) http://sse.jpl.nasa.gov/planets/index.cfm

 (Evaluation)  http://www.legaljuice.com/good%20grade%20better%20grades%20A%2B%20paper%20report.gif 

 (Conclusion)  http://sse.jpl.nasa.gov/multimedia/display.cfm?IM_ID=9643

(Teacher Page) http://www.gifanimations.com/GA/animation/ImageDisplay/1/6/10

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