
North American animals

Teacher Page


In this webquest students get to know the animals which live in North America, such as: bears, puma, moose, wolf, skunk, and others.

This webquest is designed to be conducted in 2 weeks, i.e in 1 week students have to choose 1-2 animals to describe and then do some research online to find out the needed information about the chosen animal such as what it eats, its habitat (e.g. the STATE!!! and information where it lives - forest, plain, mountains, etc) and so forth and students also have to find a photo of the chosen animal. Then, on the third week students have to bring to class their animal descriptions and make a map with animals on it together.

Animal descriptions must be quite small; about 6x8 cm. Photo with animal must me 4x4 cm


The teacher has to prepare a big sheet of paper (A1) for this project, coloured pencils, scissors, glue. Students bring to class materials about their animals.

Firstly, the teacher prepares the USA map (with states) and then students colour the states in different colours. Then students glue the photos with animals on the map and glue information about animals on the left and on the right (for example). 

After creating the project, students have to present their animals to other students in class.


GOALS for students:

1. To know more about states in the USA (their location, for example)

2. To know about animals which live in the USA

3. To know how to research information for the projects and then present it.


www.flickr.com (free images):


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WebQuest Hits: 229
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