
North American animals



Week 1.  You  choose 1-2 North American animals to describe and have to tell the teacher what you are going to describe.

Before you choose an animal, watch this video


and these materials


They help you to choose animals to describe.

Week 2. 

Write up a small description (about 5-8 sentences about the animal (i.e. What food do they eat? What do they look like? Where do they live (forest, lake, etc.)? What can they do?) and choose a small photo ( maybe 4*5 cm) with the animal. 

Week 3. You have to bring your animal descriptions and photos to the lesson. You all will be making together the USA map with animals and their descripions on it. 

Each student has to bring coloured pencils, animal photos, descriptions, glue and scissors for phoject class. Teacher will prepare a big sheet of paper (A1 for example) for the project.

After glueing the animals onto the map, students have to present their animals on the map.

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