
Starving themselves to Death: Anorexia Nervosa

Teacher Page


Focus: This web quest allows students to explore websites which help them learn on Anorexia Nervosa by means of which they get some general information on this illness, what causes it and where it can lead to...


Objective: The objective of the webquest is to allow students to do their own research on this subject and then take part in an intervention and awareness programme.


Credits: The resources and web links included on this website are external websites and I would like to thank them for creating such useful WebPages.


Other References:


Apostolides, M. (1998). Inner Hunger: A young woman’s struggle through anorexia and bulimia. U.S.A: W.W. Norton &Company. 
Grillo, M, C. (2006) Eating and weight disorders. USA: psychology press.

Kittleson, M. J., & Kramer, G, F. (2005). The truth about eating disorders. New York: Book Builders LLC.

Lask, B., & Waugh, R.B. (2000).Anorexia nervosa and related eating disorders in 
childhood and adolescence. UK: Psychology press.

Lemberg, L., & Cohn, L. (1999). Eating disorders a reference sourcebook. Canada: The Oryx press.




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