
Starving themselves to Death: Anorexia Nervosa




In groups of 4-5 people design the leaflet that should include the following points:


  • What is Anorexia Nervosa?
  • What characterizes a person who has Anorexia Nervosa?
  • What are the symptoms of Anorexia Nervosa?

  • Who is more at risk to develop this eating disorder?

  • What leads a person to continue loosing weight?

  • Is there a sole factor or a combination of factors that leads a person to this eating disorder?



Following this leaflet you are requested to do some personal reflection on the following statments:


  • Do you think a person with anorexia suffers from hunger panes?
  • Do you think that a person with anorexia is happy with his/her life?
  • Do you think prevention is better than cure for such people?
  • How can society help these people?



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