
Describing Human Characteristics of the Belizean Region

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This WebQuest lesson is taken from the 7th Grade Social Studies GLCE; which is: 7-G2.2.1-Describe the human characteristics of the region under study (including languages, religion, economic system, governmental system, cultural traditions).


The objective of this lesson is to help students understand:

1. Geographical Terms

2. Belizean Human Characteristics: Language, Religion, Economic and Governmental Systems, and Cultural Traditions.


For this lesson it is important that the students have a prior knowledge of Central America and the countries that make up Central America.  This lesson has been designed for students who are developing knowledge of countries in Central America. Students should feel comfortable with the geographical terms provided; however, there are new ones that will be entwined providing new information.


To make sure that students have learned what I have wanted them to I ask these four questions to myself and answer them:


1. What did I want them to learn?

-I wanted student to have a better understanding of Belizean culture by understanding their human characteristics; such as, language, religion, economic system, governmental system, and cultural traditions.


2. HOw will I know IF they learned?

-Students will show they have learned by taking a test at the end of class and they will write a mock letter the to Prime Minister of Belize.


3. What will I do IF "they" didn't?

-I will determine areas students were not clear on and assign individual out of class assignments students must complete; such as: a paper covering Belizean culture, reading a book about Belize and writing about the book, create a PowerPoint presentation and submit it to me, or interview someone who has been to Belize.


4. What will I do IF "they" did?

-I will go on to the next section; however, I will continual refer to the past knowledge they gained from studying Belize.

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