
Ethical Use of Technology in the Classroom

Teacher Page


Alignment with Washington State Tiers of Technology Integration


This webquest addresses in part the following classroom indicators of technology integration:

Tier 1: Teacher Focus on Productivity

--Find instructional resources on the Internet (e.g., find lesson resources at NetTrekker, United Streaming, district, or state websites)
--Produce, store, and retrieve learning materials electronically (e.g., create lesson plans in Word and store them on file server, create and print handouts for students that can be saved and modified in future years)


Tier 2: Instructional Presentation and Student Productivity

--Have students write papers and reports on assigned topics using computers or “smart keyboards” such as AlphaSmarts (e.g., require that all student papers must be word-processed)
--Create scaffolding for student projects (e.g., teachers provide students with writing prompts or project templates)


Tier 3: Powerful Student-Centered 21st Century Learning Environment

--Create and use online resources to facilitate inquiry (e.g., students create and use online resources such as WebQuests)
--Engage in individual or collaborative project-based learning (e.g., students engage in real-world projects and problem-solving using email or websites)
--Write, develop and publish individual and collaborative products (e.g., students publish projects online to be reviewed by parents or peers)

Alignment with ISTE NETs
For Teachers:
1.d. model collaborative knowledge construction by engaging in learning with students, colleagues, and others in face-to-face and virtual environments.
4.a. advocate, model, and teach safe, legal, and ethical use of digital information and technology, including respect for copyright, intellectual property, and the appropriate documentation of sources.
4.c. promote and model digital etiquette and responsible social interactions related to the use of technology and information.
4.d.  develop and model cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with colleagues and students of other cultures using digital-age communication and collaboration tools.
For Students:
5.a. advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology.
5.d. exhibit leadership for digital citizenship.

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