
The First Year of Life

Teacher Page

This lesson was developed for a Parenting class at the high school level.  At least 5 -7 class periods should be allotted for completion.  Teachers may have to adjust the times depending on the availability of computers and the capabilities of the students.

If computers are not available, teacher may make copies of the printed resources for the students use.  Students could also interview new parents on each topic to get real world advice.

Some parts of the webquest may need to be modified for students with special needs.  The instructor may choose to shorten the amount of requirements or ask student to only research one topic.

 Learning Standards

 Special Thanks to Carolyn Cotton's Parenting Webquest http://www.cottonchemistry.bizland.com/facs/Parenting%20WebQuest.htm and Kristen Vogt's Parenting 101 Webquest http://www.zunal.com/webquest.php?w=96048.

Images from Fotosearch

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