
A Journey to Africa

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This Lesson can be used as a big one day lesson or stretched into a Unit on Africa.  You can extend the lesson with more on African Storytelling, more on Art & Music, and more on any other aspects of Africa that are important. 


7.1.3. B. Identify and locate places and regions

7.3.3. B. Identify the human characteristics of places and regions by their cultural characteristics

G. Demonstrate after reading: understanding and interpretation of both fiction and nonfiction text. Retell or summarize the major ideas, themes or procedures of the text. Connect the new information or ideas in the text to known information. Clarify ideas and understandings through rereading and discussion. Make responsible assertions about the text by citing evidence from the text.

1.2.3. A. Read and understand essential content of informational texts and documents in all academic areas. Differentiate fact from opinion within text. Distinguish between essential and nonessential information within a text. Make inferences from text when studying a topic (e.g., science, social studies) and draw conclusions based on text. Analyze text organization and content to derive meaning from text using established criteria.

Develop an understanding of historical sources, Data in historical maps, Visual data from maps and tables, Mathematical data from graphs and tables, Author or historical source, Understand historical research, Event (time and place), Facts, folklore and fiction, Formation of a historical question, Primary sources, Secondary sources, Conclusions (e.g., storytelling, role playing, diorama)

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