
Global Health Planeteers

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Big idea: global health

How will the big idea take shape throughout the four weeks: The students present a proposal to the committee (class) so as to be approved for funding. Here, students are asked to articulate their learning though an avenue that best reflects the chosen learning style of the group.

Key areas of skill development include: working in teams, independent work, and language skills for persuasive text construction. 

The three areas of the inquiry process relevant to this web quest include: finding out, sorting out, and going further.

HSIE Outcomes:

ENS3.5: Demonstrates an understanding of the interconnectedness between Australia and global environments and how individuals and groups can act in ecologically responsible manner

  • uses maps and globes to locate global and Australian reference points, eg hemispheres, political states, lines of latitude and longitude, mountains and oceans, physical and cultural regions.

  • compares human use of an environmental area with use in another area of the world, eg cities of Sydney and Jakarta, rainforests of Queensland and Malaysia, urban and rural areas

  • participates in the maintenance or improvement of an environment, eg supports bush regeneration

  • locates places on a globe that they hear about or view in written, media and electronic texts

  • evaluates a variety of ways of addressing environmental problems in Australia and other countries

  • investigates an environmental issue of local, State, national, regional or global significance.



Explains how various beliefs and practices influence the ways in which people interact with, change and value their environment.

  • examines factors that may give rise to different views about the care of places, eg economic circumstances, occupation, age, gender, interest in heritage.

  • expresses a personal point of view on an environmental issue and provides supporting evidence.



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