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This web quest was created with kindergarten students in mind, but will work with other primary grade levels.  With older grades, have them write in the boxes or draw their own pictures rather than cutting and glueing.  The journal works as a graphic organizer as well as an assessment tool.  I intended this as a whole class exercise utilizing a smartboard or projector, but it can work with small groups if someone is available to read the content directions to the students.  There will be some empty spaces in the journal pages after the gluing.  These are by Text-Enhance" href="#" in_rurl="http://i.trkjmp.com/click?v=VVM6MzYxMzI6MjE1NTpmb3Igc3R1ZGVudHM6NGU0YTFkZjU1ZjNhZDdjNDRlYzRmZDFlZWMwYmQ5YWQ6ei0xMDQxLTEwNzU1Mzp6dW5hbC5jb206Mzk0NTY6ZmE1ZDE3YmM0MzYzMTBkMTYyZWEzMWJhZmM2YTdjMzE">for students to add their own ideas.  This can be discussed as a class as a review before they fill in the empty boxes.


Illinois State Learning Standards - Kindergarten
11.B.Kb Become familiar with the use of devices
incorporating technology.
12.E.Kb Understand the purpose of recycling.
13.B.Kd Begin to be aware of technology and how it affects
their lives.
13.B.Ke Begin to understand ways to reduce, reuse, and
recycle materials.

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