


Use the 3 R's to save the earth!

Reduce means I use less of something like energy.

Reuse means I use something by Text-Enhance" href="#" in_rurl="http://i.trkjmp.com/click?v=VVM6MzY0OTI6NjphZ2Fpbjo2Mjg2ZjRiMDBiYmFhZjllZDVlYjAxOTQxM2JjNGJmYzp6LTEwNDEtMTA3NTUzOnp1bmFsLmNvbTo0MDc0ODo5YzZlMTAzNDY0ZGVlNzEyMTQxMzJiOGY0ZDBhNGJlOQ">again, like clothes.

Recycle means I put it in a special bin so it can be made into new things.

Watch "What does it mean to be green?" web story to get you started on your way.


What Does it Mean to be Green?

Description: Animated story book.

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