
Designing and Developing a Database Part 1 The logical database design



Step 1:   The  Supervising Manager will Research,  Investigate and answer the questions about Databases on the "Supervisers Activity sheet- What is a Database".

Step 2: The Supervising Manager will Research, Investigate and answer the questions about Database Entities on the "Supervisers Activity sheet- What are Database Entites".

Step 3: Based on the information he has learnt about databases, the supervising manager must create/devise an information gathering sheet that he will give to each of the Park Managers to obtain all the information about their relevant parks that will be used to define the entities and attributes of the database.

Step 4: The supervising manager will than hold a number of meetings with all the Park Managers to develop a logical database design for the Zoo database. How many meetings will he need to have and what will be covered in each meeting with the Park Managers.

Step 5: Hold the meetings with the Park Managers and design the database for the Zoo.

Step 6: Assemble and Create a design database project portfolio.


Description: Logical Database design - Part 2

  • File
    Description: Supervisors Investigation Worksheet #2 - Entites and Attributes

Description: Logical Database Design - Practise Activity 3

  • File
    Description: Database Resource Kit

Description: Logical Database design - Practice Activity 2

Description: Logical databse design - Part 2

  • File
    Description: Business Resource Kit

Description: Logical database design Activity

  • File
    Description: Supervisors Investigation Worksheet #1 - What is a Database

Description: Logical database design - An introduction

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