
U.S. Imperialism



The "Big Question" which you will need to focus upon in this project is: "Why did the United States become an Imperialist power, and what are the consequences?"  After researching and analyzing U.S. Imperialism in the five designated locations, you will complete Note Taking Guides and two activities:

1.   Create detailed notes while researching the designated locations by using the Note Taking Guide provided in the "Process" section of the WebQuest.

2.   Create a PowerPoint presentation which both visually and texturally highlight the most important information for each location of Imperialist behavior by the United States.

3.   Create a PowerPoint Jeopardy Review game using the five designated locations as categories.  A downloadable template is provided in the "Process" section of the WebQuest.  (You can earn Extra-Credit if you choose to create a Double Jeopardy version as well)

Your Notes, PowerPoint presentation, and PowerPoint Jeopardy Review, will be evaluated according to the rubrics provided in the "Evaluation" section of the WebQuest.

If your Jeopardy Review is chosen as the best in the class, it will be used on the review day, and your group will receive Extra-Credit.

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