
U.S. Imperialism



Congratulations!!  By completing this WebQuest you now have an understanding of one of the most important periods in United States history.  Through a cause and effect understanding of the Imperialist rise of the United States, you can better understand your current world, and hopefully understand future foreign policy events. 

Through your collaboration with your team, you should have improved your ability to work with others for a common goal.  Through your research and use of the Note Taking Guides, you should have improved your ability to find important information and use it in a critical thinking manner.  Through the construction of the PowerPoint presentation and PowerPoint Jeopardy Review you should have improved your technology skills, while at the same time improving your critical thinking skills.  

I realize that this has been difficult for some of you, learning sometimes takes tremendous effort, but I hope that you have found the experience rewarding as well.  Remember, the goal is to strive for constant improvement, to never stop learning.

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