
Cities of France



Your goal is to find out as much information about your group's city as possible.  By the end of your stay in France, you should be able to provide information on many or all of the following topics about your city. You may report about something that is not listed, but please check with me first.


ex. Where in France is your city located? North, South, East, West?


ex. Does your city have mountains? Is it surrounded by water?


ex. Is it normally rainy, dry, warm, cool ?
How is the weather different from what we experience here in the United States ?


Did your city play a significant role in history?
ex. Was a battle fought in it ? Did a King live there ?


What is the city well-known for?
ex. Paris is the capital of France.


Tourist Attractions
ex. Some tourist attractions in Paris include: Le Louvre, L'arc de Triomphe, Notre Dame ...


ex. Paris is home to the Eiffel Tower, the world's most famous monument.


Language Dialects
Just like in the United States, different locations of cities in France create different accecents. Think about it as the difference between our way of speaking in the North and South.


Cultural Aspects
Is there a certain food or type of music that is prominant in that city?


Any unique characteristics of the city
This can be anything you find interesting or unique.


After you have found your information, your goal is to decide on a souvenir to bring back from your city that you can show your fellow students. Then create a short PowerPoint presentation, using the knowledge you have gained about your city.

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