
English is More than a Language, it's a Lifestyle



Learning English has helped change many people's lives. From the list below, pick one person to research and complete the following three tasks. Task one is a presentation. Tasks two and three are written assignments for your teacher to grade.


  1. Antonio Banderas   
  2. Salma Hayek      
  3. Penelope Cruz
  4. Shakira
  5. Frida Kahlo
  6. Benicio Del Toro
  7. Marc Anthony
  8. Albert Einstein
  9. Arnold Schwarzenegger
  10. Ban Ki Moon



Task One: Pick a person to research. Find out about the country that person is from, how English changed his/her life, and what that person is famous for. Then, create/build/or act out something as a presentation for your classmates which symbolizes the person you chose.

Task Two: Continue researching the person you picked and write a short biography of that person. Include the country he or she is from, and how you imagine a day in his or her life to be.

Task Three: Write a letter to this person explaining your assignment and why you chose them. (It will be your choice to send them the letter or not.)


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