
English is More than a Language, it's a Lifestyle




# Beginning: 1 point-6.5% Developing: 2 points-12.5% Very Good: 3 points-18% Exemplary: 4 points-25% Score
Vocabulary and Grammar Limited vocabulary, serious grammatical errors, frequent anglicisms which force interpretation by the listener/reader Limited to basic words, often inaccurate; marked with some anglicisms. Functional, fails to communicate complete meaning, adequate use of language, minor errors that do not hinder communication. Extensive use of vocabulary and expressions, few to no errors. %25
Content General, insufficient response to the topic. Some detail, only partial responses to the topic. Generally thorough response with sufficient detail. Thorough response to the topic with interesting and pertinent details. %25
Organization Lack of organization, no sequence of information. Some attempts at organization, confusing sequence. Fairly organized, but main ideas prevalent. Well organized, clear, interesting and logical ideas. %25
Oral and Constructed Presentations Contains none of the required elements, body language detracts from the presentation and is delivered without eye contact, little to no creativity. Contains little of the required elements, body language is detracting occasionally and/or eye contact is used only occasionally, very little creativity. Contains some of the required elements, body language reinforces and enhances the presentation most of the time, eye contact maintained most of the time, adequately constructed and visually appealing. Contains all of the required elements, body language reinforces and enhances the presentation, eye contact with audience is maintained throughout presentation, extensive use of creativity, well constructed and very appealing. %25

Total Score: %100

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