
Promethean 101 Class



Promethean 101 is designed for training and compelling you from that point of �what do I plug in to what?�  all the way to creating flip charts and annotating on the board.  And, when questioning anything about the board and technology in general and a student suggests some sort of a solution, listen.  Technology is native to our students but, foreign to us. Also, learn quickly to stay ahead of the �curve� and your students. They will be going for the pen if you lay it down for too long.  And watch out, you are going to have your class headed towards 21st Century learning skill with what the students� call �real-world integration of technology� in the classroom.

Before going any further, you may want to bookmark the Promethean Planet website, http://www.prometheanplanet.com/en-us/. When you have time and a quiet location, go back to this interactive tutorial. It will give you a sense of achievement without touching your board


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