
Promethean 101 Class



Evaluation and Assessment: Who is responsible?

The concept worth developing is "the perfect classroom" that is designed to take full advantage of interactive, integrated technology, featuring the latest and greatest tech toys: the Promethean board, a wireless laptop for each student, access a wide variety of software and thousands of videos through Discovery Education, as well as access to zillions of websites that are also complete with lesson plans from a plethora of websites.

And the point is, this is the perfect environment where you find students that are more than anxious to be involved in learning.  Another plus is the best-in-class assessment tools at the tap of your fingertips that are already developed and only need to be implemented.  There are on-line grade books and SharePoint sites with access to an incredible amount of information for the entire school, city-wide department or district.

But having the very best in educational technology tools available continues to mean that assessments and the evaluation of assessments, improving or declining, will continue to rest on the shoulders of the teacher.  With all things equal, if the teachers properly implement the best in technological equipment available, assessment scores will increase. There is a direct correlation between increased student involvement and learning skills improving when technology is part of the equation.  The more technology used, the more students learn.

If none of the equipment is utilized and the teacher continues to use the good ole' standbys, the textbook and chalk, then evaluations won�t really reflect the student�s ability to learn. Those evaluations will showcase the teacher�s inability to learn, grow and implement new technology into the classroom. Just turning the power on is the first step towards 21st Century learning skills with student-centered learning.

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