
Works Cited Page


Works Cited is sometimes referred to as References. The terms mean the same thing. Each is an alphabetical list of works cited, or works to which you have made reference. Works Cited is generally used when citing sources using MLA style, while the title References is used when citing sources using APA style.

Works Cited and Bibliography are not the same. In Works Cited you only list items you have actually cited. In a Bibliography (literally, description of books) you list all of the material you have consulted in preparing your essay whether or not you have actually cited the work.

Entries in Works Cited, References, or Bibliography are listed in alphabetical order by last names of authors and should be the last page of your paper.

Task 4: Shakespeare Works Cited Page

Suppose you have been assigned a research paper on Shakespeare. You will create a Works Cited page in MLA style with three sources: a book, a journal article, and a website. Using the keywords 'Shakespeare biography', search for resources on the Kent State Libraries catalog, Google Scholar and a website on Shakespeare.   Create the page and share with your group and teacher.

Kent State Library Book Search Results

Google Scholar Journal Article Results

Shakespeare and the Internet Other Sites

Use this site to help you cite your sources:
Citation Machine
Task 5: Favorite Musician or Band Works Cited Page

Using an online search engine, such as Google
, search for Internet sources on your favorite musician or band.  Create a Works Cited page for a research paper by using the following e-How site titled How to Cite an Internet Source.   Create the page and share with your group and teacher.

If working in small groups, you may choose to trade your Works Cited pages and check each others entries using the online citation tool Citation Machine or simply check your own work with this tool.

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