
Plagiarism Terminology


Whether in class or at work, plagiarism is an important concept to understand when completing assignments. When students or workers quote other authors or use someone else's ideas in their reports, they must give credit to the original creator.  This is done in the form of a citation, a method that shows where readers can find the original creator's work.  If students or workers fail to give credit where credit is due, then they are committing plagiarism, or the stealing of someone's work. 

Plagiarism is a major offense, and punishments are severe.  In educational institutions, such as universities and community colleges, committing plagiarism can lead to failing a paper, failing a class, or being academically dismissed.  Punishments are even more severe in the workforce where plagiarism can lead to firing or criminal charges.

The purpose of this webquest is to help you understand what exactly plagiarism is and how to avoid it by citing ideas or quotes that are not originally yours. Citing resources correctly is a valuable skill in college coursework and in some professions.

Task 1: Plagiarism Knowledge Rating Scale

Before you begin the activities listed in this webquest, work in small groups to complete the Plagiarism Knowledge Rating Scale handout.  Print this handout and complete all columns except the last, share your definitions with others in your group and your teacher.  Keep this handout as you will return to it at the end of the webquest.




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