
The Great State Search-Colorado



To begin open the attached chart.  This chart will be used to collect information along the way.  Please place your name at the top of this and try your hardest not to lose it because it will have your research collected on it.  Remember that your research will be on the state of Colorado.  In addition to these sites that are suggested, you may use your textbook, the encyclopedias, and the resources provided in the classroom.

1.      Basic Information: Any information that you wish to collect while completing your research.  This will be checked at the end of the first week so that I know you are on task.

http://www.socialstudiesforkids.com/usstates/colorado.htm  This site gives some basic information about Colorado (Emblems and Symbols).

http://www.50states.com/colorado.htm  This site gives basic information on Colorado and touches on some of the topics below (history, geography, economics, civics).

http://www.ipl.org/div/stateknow/co1.html This site gives facts about Colorado and has useful links to visit.

http://www.factmonster.com/us.html  This site provides a lot of different information about the United States and can be used for multiple areas of your research (history, geography, economics, and civics).

1.      History: Construct a timeline of events showing the relationship of events in Colorado history with events in United States and world history.  I am expecting you to have at least 6 Colorado events, 5 United States events, and 4 world events.  This will be checked at the end of the second week so that I know you are still on task.

         http://hewit.unco.edu/dohist/  This site provides information about

         people who have influenced Colorado history.


         This site provides a brief timeline in Colorado history.

         http://www.shgresources.com/co/timeline/  This site offers an in

         depth timeline.


         This is another site that offers and in depth Colorado timeline.

 http://www.colorado.gov/dpa/doit/archives/history/histfaqs.htm This

         is another site that has a timeline.

         http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0902416.html  This site is broken

         down into time periods and provides a time line of history in the  

         United States.

3.  Geography: Answer questions about Colorado regions using maps and other geographic tools, from this information you will create a map of important Colorado locations.  This map must include at least three bodies of water, two mountains, five major cities and two main tourist attractions.  This portion of the project will be checked at the end of week three so that I know you are on task.

http://www.state.co.us/maps/index.html This site provides multiple maps of Colorado.

 http://www.enchantedlearning.com/usa/states/colorado/ This site provides information about Colorado’s geography.  You should complete the Colorado Map Quiz/Printout.  There are many other resources that you can use on this site too.

http://www.apples4theteacher.com/coloring-pages/usa/state-outline/colorado.html This site can be used to create a map.  The map should have the things labeled that the questions ask for. 4.  Economics: Give examples of the kinds of goods and services produced in Colorado in different historical periods and their connection to economic incentives (discuss both agriculture and industry).  You must give at least two kids of goods and two kinds of services.  This will be checked at the end of week four so that I know you are still on task.

http://www.socialstudiesforkids.com/articles/economics/goodsandservices1.htm  This site discusses what the difference is between a good and a service.

http://www.50states.com/colorado.htm This site provides economic information about Colorado.

5.  Civics: Explain the origins, structure, and functions of the three branches of the state government and the relationship among them; identify and explain a variety of roles leaders, citizens, and others play in state government.  You must explain the three branches of state government and their relationship.  Also you must identify and explain at least 4 roles.  This will we checked at the end of the fifth week.

http://www.colorado.gov/cs/Satellite?c=Page&cid=1165693060247&pagename=CO-Portal%2FPage%2FCXPStandardLayout  This site has information on Colorado's branches of government.

http://www.colorado.gov/cs/Satellite/CO-Portal/CXP/1165693060260  This site has information on Colorado's elected officials

6. After you have completed all the research it is then time to create your brochure.  Remember that you must have a section on history, geography, economics (agriculture and industry) and civics.  You must also include an ABC story.  How you create your brochure is up to you.

The brochure can be broken down into steps.

1. Determine what you will name your brochure.

2. Create a Colorado history timeline.

3. Create a map that includes at least three bodies of water, two mountains, five major cities and two main tourist attractions.

4. Examples of goods and services produced in Colorado.

5. The branches of government and the variety of roles of leaders, citizens and others.

6. ABC Story: you must write each letter of the alphabet in order down the side of the page, after this you must create a sentence that starts with each letter of the alphabet.

7. Add graphics to your brochure.  Use your creativity.

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