



   The Process

Activity 1:
Find your group based upon the assigned numbers that are given. Talk about what you already know about Camp Compass. Then, read about it. Talk about the new things you learned.  TAKE NOTES –a good goal is to have at least 10 solid talking points in word format.

Choose an option that fits your information need:

• Go to the Basics Page on Camp Compass.
• Go to the More Detail Page on John Annoni (the Founder).
• Go to the In Depth Page-Videos on YouTube.
• Go to the search engine Google and key word search Camp Compass

Activity 2:
Start creating your persuasive Power Point speech based upon the talking points above. What do they look like? Describe each one as an individual. How are they each alike and different? Write in the word processor and add pictures from the information page or draw your own pictures.

Activity 3:
Write about where you live. How far are you away from Camp Compass? Where are the students currently enrolled coming from? Create a map to the Academy From Trexler Middle School and Allen High School.

Activity 4:
Create a timeline/calendar for the year.  What happens during Academy sessions? How do students earn rewards? What are the expectations for students? What key events happen during the year?

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