
Colonial America Timeshare



Now that you have your group assignment it's time to get started. You will have 3 days (class sessions) to work on you sale presentation. I have outlined the task you should accomplish each day.

Day 1 - Research and Information Gathering

Today you will gather all the information you will need for the presentation. You have at your disposal the following tools:
  • Class textbooks
  • Colonization Unit Journals
  • Classroom books on colonial America
  • Any library books or resources provided by the librarian. I have contacted her and she has already set aside some material she thinks will help.
  • Our class webpage we used previously for researching colonial life.
  1. http:// people.emich.edu/mgoyette/classpage    Class Web Page
  • The following websites. I have checked these website for accurate and pertinent information. Please do not use a general internet search or go to other sites without my permission. These sites will open in another window.
  1. www.america.gov
  2. www.loc.gov
  3. www.history.org
  4. www.earlyamerica.com
Here is a list of topics to help in your research:
  • Geography, Landforms, Climate
  • Jobs
  • Religion
  • Agriculture
  • Government
  • Daily Life
Don't forget to look for some graphics along the way for your sale presentation. These can be saved to the classroom computers on the desktop in a folder with your group number.

Remember you are trying to sell reasons to come to the New World. Looks for benefits, and opportunities they would get from spending time in the colonies. Look for comparisons and contrast between the New World and Europe.

Today you will gather your information, organize it, and decide how you want to create your sale presentation. Look to the rubric for specific information your presentation must contain, e.g. certain number of slides.

Remember this presentation is designed to SELL SELL SELL the New World. You must appeal to why they person would want to come to the New World along with giving them a realistic view of what life is like since they have never been there before. Be creative. 

If you have an idea for something extra to make and show during your presentation it will be worth 1 point extra credit.

Day 3 - Giving Your Presentation

Today is the day. Your whole group should participate in giving the presentation. Have fun and I'm sure the audience will love you and will be getting out their calendars to start planning their vacations in the New World.


Everyone should participate and pull their weight. The only way to complete this project on time is to stay on task. Talking should be about the project and not about socializing. If you need help, please let me know. Good Luck.

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